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My Vegan {Foodie} Life: Welcoming In The New Year With Hoppin’ John #CurvesGoneVegan

Hoppin’ John is a southern dish that when eaten on the first day of a brand new year is said to bring a prosperous year filled with luck and goodness.  Traditionally it is made with meat, usually bacon, or salt pork, etc but of course I am vegan so no meat for moi but trust…

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Introducing The CurvaCast & The 12 Days of January!

Happy New Year Delights!  As has become a tradition of sorts, there are New Year’s resolution backlash posts floating around the interwebs and as I have in previous years, I wanted to add my two cents to the mix. So many people act like because you make a resolution at the beginning of a year that…

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{Five Fab} For the Weekend Vol. 11 – The Last Minute Christmas Shopping Edition!

HAPPY FRIDAY DELIGHTS!  I can not believe how fast this month has gone by and Christmas is just 2 days away.  Yesterday I tried to hit the stores but even before I made it off the train I realized that I just didn’t want to spend my day dealing with the crowds.  So I took…