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The CurvaCast: The 12 Days of January | Day 5 #12DaysofJanuary

Hello Delights! Welcome to the 5th day of January!  How is your year going so far? Are you finding yourself feeling like things will be different for you this year? Have you been doing things that enhance your life? I know that I have. Besides utilizing the tools and doing the tasks I am presenting…

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The CurvaCast: The 12 Days of January | Day 4 #12DaysofJanuary

For Day 3 of the The 12 Days of January I went to one of my favorite places, the Garfield Park Conservatory and just walking in instantly made my life better. The smells, the colors, the richness of nature. There really isn’t anything like it. I of course shared it on my snapchat. Get links…

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{Luxaholic} PopPost | Vol. 3 – Oh Joy! For Target Spring Things!

I know that we have only just really started to get into Winter and while we have had a couple of magical winter days here in Chicago, we have also already had some serious eye roll days. So dreams of Spring have definitely already begun. Soooo…during a recent Target run, I came across these super…

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The CurvaCast: The 12 Days of January | Day 3 #12DaysofJanuary

Hello Delights and welcome to Day 3 of The 12 Days of January! Yesterday on Day 2 of the The 12 Days of January we talked about using the 3 things system to get things done and up your productivity without it feeling burdensome. I use a simple chalkboard as a visual reminder of the 3…