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{Culture} Play | The Cuckoo’s Theater Project Production: Women

Hey Delights! One of my personal goals for 2017 is something that I actually talked about a lot during The 12 Days of January and that is getting back to the things that we love.  One of those things for me is to definitely get back to adding more theater and entertainment to my monthly…

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{What I Wore} Popped A Little Powder Blue Spring on this Winter

After being sick for what felt like FOREVER, I have really been in search of things that give me a little more pep in my step, so I have ditched my beloved long black puffer coat (seen here & here) for my more colorful ones and I already feel lighter. Saturday I went to see a…

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My Vegan {Foodie} Life: Pepper Jack Mac & Cheese Mushroom Burger Featuring The Beyond Burger #CurvesGoneVegan

One of the things that I love about food is that you can always be as creative as your palette desires. And while my list of foods I love runs long and deep, three in particular hold a really special place in my foodie’s heart, cheese, mushrooms and burgers.  And being vegan has not stopped…

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The CurvaCast: The 12 Days of January | Day 12 Finale #12DaysofJanuary

The idea for this project came to me one day while I was in my happy place, the bathtub and I was instantly excited about it and began recording my ideas for it right there in the tub. I did not want to let the fact that the circumstances at that moment were not optimum…