I am excited to get back into my Chatting Curvatude series. I jump started it back up last month with my feature of Anne Fanganello, the designer of AnnaFesta and now I bring to you Georgette, the fab behind Grown & Curvy Woman. She is an awesome lady who has come a long way in owning who she is!
I rock one of my current fav dresses and talk about one of my favorite things…PRINTS!!!
Now on to the grillin…I mean interview 😉
Curvatude: Morning Georgette. How are you?
Georgette: Good Morning! I’m good and yourself?
Curvatude: A late night so I am a little tired but no complaints. Thanks. Now on to the grill…i mean interview 😉
Georgette: LOL…ok. I’m ready
Georgette: In late 2011 I became very ill and needed surgery to remove a tumor in my abdomen.
I was home bound for 8 weeks and in that time the outpouring of love from my friends and family really made me question why I didn’t love myself too.
It was then I made the decision to stop hating my body and accept who I was. My blog came out of this freedom I finally felt to be myself.
Curvatude: Wow. It sucks that you were ill but what an awesome byproduct.
Georgette: Thank you!
Curvatude: And it’s obvious as a reader of your blog that you have definitely answered that question!
And on top of that you are really loving yourself in technicolor!
Georgette: Colorblocking is the BEST thing to ever happen to me!
Curvatude: LOL yes it is fab and you work it well.
Georgette: Aww thanks hon!
Curvatude: Blogging can be a lot of work. How are you able to balance it with all the demands of your every day life?
Georgette: Yes it is! I blog three times a week and keeping that schedule helps a lot.
I try not to stray away from it b/c when I do I can get really behind.
While I love blogging,I don’t allow it to consume my life and my time.
Curvatude: That’s smart because it really could. LOL.
I also see that in addition to color blocking you are really loving more patterns and have written about how you previously stayed away from them.
Are the people in your life surprised by this new found, colorful Georgette?
Georgette: In the beginning yes! People would ask if I was having a midlife crisis!
LOL. Now they come to me for style advice and how to colorblock. Overall people’s reaction to the new me has been positive.
So when I cut my hair into a “frohawk” they were like, “that’s Georgette being Georgette!”
Curvatude: LOL. A midlife?
Georgette: Yes a midlife. Some asked if I was dating a younger man!
Trust me, from what I used look like to now is a complete 360 turn.
Curvatude: Sweet and a frohawk is definitely a statement of freedom!
Georgette: Yes it is! I feel so powerful with my hair cut like this. I get so many compliments.
Curvatude: Awesome. And thankfully it turned out that you had something better going than a younger man, you are being flirty and fun with yourself.
Georgette: Absolutely! I like being bold with color and standing out.
Curvatude: Great. Now tell me 3 words you use to describe your old self and 3 you use to describe the grown and powerful, frohawk rawkin’ Georgette?
Georgette: Old self: scared, ashamed and sad. New: fabulous, blessed and grateful.
Curvatude: WOW. What a huge contrast.
After your illness, what steps did you take that brought it home for you that you were fabulous?
Georgette: Honestly discovering plus size blogs like yours, Garner Style and The Curvy Fashionista helped me to see that plus size is beautiful and stylish.
Reading these blogs opened a whole world of fashion for me to express my new found confidence.
Curvatude: Aww thanks for including me. And speaking of readers gaining confidence from your blog, I know you have a lot of readers who feel that way about Grown and Curvy Woman.
How does that make you feel?
Georgette: So happy because if I can help one woman feel great about herself, then my mission has been accomplished.
I want women to know that style has no age or size. I want women to love themselves and celebrate their bodies in whatever way they see fit.
Curvatude: I agree. And what are you loving most in fashion this Summer?
Georgette: Oh man…STRIPES! I cant get enough of them! I’m seriously addicted
Curvatude: LOL. Yes, I know what you mean. I just picked up a grey/neon striped dress! Love them!
Now a few short questions to wrap it up.
How would you describe your style?
Georgette: I describe my style as classic with a little bit of trend thrown in.
Curvatude: What size does plus size begin to you?
Georgette: To me plus size begins at a size 14.
Curvatude: And what do you call yourself? Plus size, curvy, full figured, fat?
Georgette: I describe my self as a voluptuous/full figured woman. I describe myself that way because I like my ample body.
I don’t see the term full figure as negative because that is what I am. I celebrate my fullness everyday and wear clothes that highlight my body.
There was a time when I hated my body but that is no more. No matter what women call themselves, they should love and embrace their bodies.
Curvatude: Agreed. Now…Swimsuit: one piece or two?
Georgette: While I applaud all my “fatkini” sisters, I’m a one piece kind of gal!
Curvatude: LOL.
Curvatude: I got another 2 piece this year…gonna work it and make it do what it do.
Georgette: I know you will!
Curvatude: Now, the final question. If you were a piece of fruit what would you be?
Georgette: A mango because its sweet and luscious.
Curvatude: Raarrr..LOL… Great answer! Thanks for chatting with me.
Georgette: Thank you for giving me this opportunity!
I wanna see your pic when you wear your two piece!
Curvatude: Oh its going on the blog!! (check it out here)
Georgette: Can’t wait to see it! You’ll be fab as always!
Georgette: C-Ya