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Randolph Street Market Season Pass Giveaway

My last visit to the Randolph Street Market last year was a multi hour shopathon where i left with some really cool goodies, so needless to say, i am excited that the season is opening this weekend! the Market is put on by the same cool people who run the Modern Vintage market that i…

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Bill Cunningham New York in Chicago

there are some moments that in their sheer simplicity just make you smile. I had lots of those moments while viewing Bill Cunningham New York and i highly recommend that you see it. the range of emotions that i felt while viewing it was surprising. i felt happy (his view of living is so freeing…

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second city soiree and macy’s girls night out

chicago is a never ending stream of fun events. and i attended a couple the other nights. first i stopped in to second city soiree’s anniversary party. jen, the hostess/owner of second city soiree, which is a fun home entertainment site threw a really relaxed soiree a huge cupcake display from foiled cupcakes provided sweet…