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{Five Fab} Things I Am Looking Forward to In February

Sooo..I somehow manged to delete this and another post from this date, so this is a complete recreation from memory and mama is getting old, so my memory is not always so great…bwaa…Thankfully I hadn’t read them on bloglovin, so I was able to get the entire text for the other one there but for…

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{Culture} The Theatre School at DePaul University Production: Night Runner

Soooo…I somehow managed to delete the original version of this post, so I am reposting it. Hey Delights!  So I ended up not going to the presentation at the DuSable Museum that I mentioned in my last Five Fab For the Weekend post because it was one of those all I want to do is…

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{Culture} Play | The Cuckoo’s Theater Project Production: Women

Hey Delights! One of my personal goals for 2017 is something that I actually talked about a lot during The 12 Days of January and that is getting back to the things that we love.  One of those things for me is to definitely get back to adding more theater and entertainment to my monthly…

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{What I Wore} City Chic Cold Shoulder + Gwynnie Bee Visits Chicago

Hey Fabs! If you follow me on social media then you know Gwynnie Bee came to Chicago for their “Inspired By You Tour” & I co-hosted a happy hour with them.  I tried on a lot of new pieces coming to the site and this dress is just one of the many fabulous frocks that…

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{Events} TheFitExpo™ Comes to Chicago For the 1st Time – Details & Discounted Admission

Hey Fabs! One of the things that I am always excited about as I progress on my health and fitness journey is just how many incredible ways that there are to get your fitness on. So needless to say I am stoked that TheFitExpo™  is coming to Chicago! In addition to over 200 exhibitors, activities…