
{Life} August To Do List

These days are moving so FAST! I can’t believe that we are already six days deep into August already but I am ready to do that dang thang.

-As noted on my July recap, I am no longer all that excited about the template I purchased for the blog, so I am rethinking it.
-The previously mentioned features are almost complete. I just need to get out of my own way and top being so anal about it and just decide to be ok with what I have done. Being anal is seriously a problem.
-I have set a new posting goal of a minimum of 3x a week.
-I also want to add more beauty and lifestyle posts, as I love those areas as well and they just don’t get enough play here.

-Reconnecting and getting things back on track is still in progress.
-Closet Fete: pieces photographed and loading is on track to happen by the end of this week
-The tees are designed but this, like photo features is always a process for me. I will make something and love it but then come back to it and change my mind.  So I am working on me to stick to this deadline. Working to just sometimes let things be. Fingers crossed.
-The office space is still high on my list. I found a lovely space. It’s small but it has great light, which is a huge thing for me but I am just not sure about the location.

-Meditation is always something that I have aspired to but never quite mastered, so I am giving the Deepak + Oprah 21 Day meditation a go. It starts Aug 11th.
-Summer is winding down (boohoo) so, the goal to get outside and keep my body moving is still in effect, so Summerdance, zumba & thai chi in the park & lakefront biking are on the calendar.
-And of course getting my gym workouts in. I fell off in July mainly because Joe’s work schedule has changed but I just need to get used to going on my own because I still need to get it in.


-Since we have decided to move, we have been looking at places and are still working out if we are going to rent or buy.
-I am still not thrilled with the wall of boxes, so I may still insist on getting it moved to storage.
-Get more organized. As mentioned on Luxaholic, the size of our current space makes me crazy, so I really need to work hard to get more organized.

What’s on your to do list? 

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