
{Challenges} December #NaBloPoMo Post Prompts

November was my first attempt at #NaBloPoMo and while I did not blog daily, I got quite a few posts out, so I will give myself a C+ for my efforts.

For December I decided that in addition to my normal pots, I would use the #NaBloPoMo Post Prompts as a guide for posts as well.

Here are the weekday prompts that Blogher has listed for the challenge.

December’s theme is all about JOY, so the topics consists of things like “What is on your happy playlist?” and “What food always makes you feel happy while you’re eating it?” to deeper topics like “Buddha said, “We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.” Do you believe this is true?

I like that they chose Joy as the topic for the month.  December can be such a emotional time in both good and bad ways, so I think that a collective group of people focusing on JOY can only be a good thing.

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