
{Life} My Word of the Year

Hey Delights!

As I mentioned here, my word of the year found me and it was born out of ending 2017 and starting 2018 sick.

Obviously being sick always sucks but something really beautiful came out of me not being able to talk for a week and countless nights of coughing fit interrupted sleep. When I was awake, I was insanely determined to not let being sick stop me from getting ish done.

And so in the midst of hours at my desk, in between sips of tea & orange juice, sucking on cough drops, cranking away at my to do lists, my word of the year just came to me.

This picture was actually taken on a day I was supposed to run a 5K but ended up limping it because my legs were just not having it that day. I was pretty much one of the last people to finish & they had basically packed everything up when I did but not finishing was never an option for me.

For a moment I actually kinda balked at it because it’s not..well…sexy.  Or all that original. And I had been seeing other folks post their word of the year and they were words like expectant & sparkle. And here I was with DETERMINED.

But then it dawned on me how simple yet powerful the word is. 

Merriam Webster defines DETERMINED as:

:having reached a decision : firmly resolved

And it describes me and what I am feeling completely. 

It’s totally cliche to say at the start of a new year that “this is going to be the best year ever” and I basically said that before I got sick. And I think I actually got pissed that I was sick again at the start of another year. Yes I was sick and feeling pretty miserable at times but it was a brand new friggin year and I was not going to let that stop me from setting the tone for my year and bringing my intentions to life.


To stay on top of my health and my iron levels.

To keep up my meditation and gratitude practices.

To keep posting my To Do list post which are essentially me holding myself accountable. And I plan to get even deeper with the things I list.

To make this a space that you seek out and share with others.

To set big intentions that might initially feel unattainable and pursue them ferociously!

And that’s just to start.

What about you? What is your word of the year? 

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