{Life} For The Love of Sequins Ladies, What's With All The Guilt?

Happy Thanksgiving fabs! I am sitting on our long bus ride heading to see the grand wee one and I had an interaction with someone earlier that made me have to write this post today

I am writing it as it comes to me on my phone, so I may add to it later but here goes…

Ok ladies, it’s been awhile but it’s time for some real talk.

Why do women do the guilt thing?

You know the whole, oh gawd I feel so bad for a b c d & trying to e f g h when so much is wrong in the world thing.


Like really? Why ladies?

Why would you feel guilty because some things in the world are f*cked up?

Did you create the jacked up conditions in the world?

I didn’t think so.

In times of mass f*ckery like what we live in now, LIVING OUT LOUD means more than ever.

When sh*t is whack is the exact time when we need to be doing more of our normal things, not feeling guilty because we can or want to.

But where does the guilt come from?

Seriously! HASO!! Help A Sista Out!

Because I just don’t get it. I have just never been the type of person who takes on guilt for something I did not cause.

And that doesn’t mean I don’t empathize or sympathize. Because I feel the worlds pain & have spent plenty a days, especially lately soaking & crying it all out & asking myself how can I make a difference.

But I don’t see any purpose or power in feeling guilty.

So I ask, will your not doing YOUR work or the things you enjoy make the conditions worse?

Sorry…no it wont.

Because guess what?

Living doesn’t equal not caring.

Why downplay what you contribute, even if what that is, is “just being a blogger posting about fashion & ish”?

And I say that sarcastically because being a blogger, especially a fashion/lifestyle blogger is a lot of friggin work.

Name a brand that has stopped working because we live in some sh*tty times. If anything they have amped up. I know I have.

You guys ain’t never seen this many posts on the blog as you have lately and that’s because I have had to keep myself out of the muck of the election, the horrors at the pipeline & the hate/crimes & ugliness all over the world, so that I don’t drown in them.

So even while it all sucks to high hell, I won’t let it stop me from continuing to do what I do & in fact, all the madness has motivated me to get back to doing things I had put to the wayside.

But back to you guilty ones.

What kind of mind games are you playing with yourself that makes you think continuing to express yourself in normal, productive ways somehow means you don’t care enough?

Sh*tty times is when you need to be working to bring even more fun & joy, no matter how trivial they may seem or be perceived.

Because guess what?

In the midst of it all, it’s something positive that YOU can contribute. And you never know how much others appreciate & crave those moments to get through their own muck.

So ladies, for the love of sequins, stop overthinking & devaluing your work & yourselves & leave the guilt to the ones who are f*cking everything up.

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