Happy New Year
Hey Delights!
Your girl started this year off super EXCITED and really in planning mode and I even did another 12 Days of January podcast series on The CurvaCast on YouTube and the podcast platforms that went really well and I was also still recording and editing almost daily vlogs, so I was really feeling myself.
The CurvaCast is available everywhere you listen to podcasts including Apple Podcasts & Spotify.
…and then i got sick.
Which was such a bummer because you know…new year, new MEEEEEE!
But after a couple of weeks, I was like ok, I am feeling better. Let me get back on track. I am going to livestream and get back to all the things and then…
BLAM…like literally BLAM…
I slipped on ice, hurt my knees and almost broke my ankle…
Fast forward in the slowest of motion and now it is March. Thankfully I can finally walk (with a bit of pain at times) but I view it as a win, considering where I was a month ago.
So here I was, thinking…FINALLY!!! I can get to all the things I have planned and the Universe was like…not so fast grasshopper.
And for the last week plus my back has been in “sit your ass down” mode. And if you know anything about backs…when they talk, you listen.
Soooooo….needless to say, I am nowhere that I planned to be by March but amazingly, although there has been LOTS OF FRUSTRATION, I am still feeling pretty good about my plans for the year.
So, in spite of it all..we keep it moving.
And I talk more about that in my vlog from my YouTube where I share the latest update on my “getting my life unstuck” series.
Until next time,