Introducing The CurvaCast & The 12 Days of January!
As has become a tradition of sorts, there are New Year’s resolution backlash posts floating around the interwebs and as I have in previous years, I wanted to add my two cents to the mix.
So many people act like because you make a resolution at the beginning of a year that you think everything is magically going to change. Of course we know how completely unrealistic that is but that does not mean that you cannot make decisions, which is technically what resolutions are, to implement changes in your life.
I have said it before and still believe it now, the New Year’s resolution backlash is unnecessary. Not simply because it’s just so jaded in spirit but mainly because it is in itself unrealistic. It is built on the premise that we are not in control of our lives. Which we are in more ways than we tend to want to acknowledge at times. But it also ignores the most basic life fact, that change is happening at every moment, whether we want it to or not.
I feel like you will be the most successful at bringing about the changes in your life that you want if you work within the parameters of your life. So for me it is a process of doing small things that over time have great impact & that are easy for me to stick to. And because I have found this to work so well for me, I wanted to share it with you.
And I have wanted to create a podcast for years so I am very stoked to present to you: The CurvaCast! For the first episodes of The CurvaCast I have put together my very first podcast series called The 12 Days of January!
The 12 Days of January will feature small actions that you can take during the first 12 days of January that will instantly improve the quality of your life. I know it sounds too good to be true, right? Believe me, it’s not.
Partly because it’s a play on one of my favorite Christmas carols, The 12 Days of Christmas, which is of course the countdown of the series of increasingly grand gifts that a true love gives to the receiver. And I chose that because these small actions that you will be encouraged to make during The 12 Days of January are all about focusing on yourself and giving yourself options to make your life instantly better.
Let me start off by telling you that a lot of this series was recorded while I was in the bath tub because that’s my happy place, so don’t be surprised if you hear water in the background at times 😃. I spent some time editing but I was more interested in getting to the juice of the content and letting it be organic more so than if it was perfect.
Some days the recordings will be 5 minutes and other days the recordings will be 2 minutes. But length of the recordings aside, I hope that you will find the suggestions of value to your life as we begin this brand new year!
Some of the actions you will probably complete as presented or you might adjust them or they might motivate you to do something completely different and that is all good. The objective here is to focus your attention and intention on making your life better in small ways that hopefully will add up to big ways over time.
The CurvaCast is a podcast hosted by moi that will feature a variety of topics and guests and I am geeked to start it off with The 12 days of January and for you to join me on this journey! So without any further ado, check out the introduction to The 12 Days of January below.
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