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As The Year Comes to a Close..

I find it very interesting how there is almost a backlash against making New Year’s resolutions.

When in fact knowingly or not, we make resolutions every day.

For the good and the bad.

The basic definition of a resolution is “a decision to do something or to behave in a certain manner”

So, that covers pretty much everything from choosing which shoes to wear to what to say or not to say to someone when having a conversation and everything in between.

I think the main objection is that most people had added a negative connotation to New Year’s resolutions because of the perceived change aspect involved.

Or that your resolutions will involve things like losing weight, etc that a lot of people say they want but then don’t really resolve to take the actions to achieve.

Also, a lot of people are very change adverse.

For most people there is no comfort in change, there is fear and uncertainty.

For me, change is a requirement of living.

And growth is the reward of that change.

Needless to say, this has been a fantastic year of major change and growth for me.

I have gone from a very unwanted yet chosen, heavy workload to one that allows me the free time to pursue interests that for years were put aside.

Mind you this has affected my income in a very real manner but the peace of mind and the sense of freedom have been more than worth it for me.

Sure I miss my trips back to my second home, New York City . And I miss the security that comes from knowing that every day you are making money.

But I am confident that my new pursuits, (and there are so many exciting ones in the works) once given their full due will bring the monetary rewards, so I have been more than willing to sacrifice.

This has also been the year of one of the most dramatic personal pains that I have ever experienced but I got through it and came out stronger than I ever thought possible.

On the flip side of that, this year has been one of great fun & creative growth.

For one, I finally started this blog, which had been a idea of mine for a very long time and I got out of my own way and let it be organic.

I also have met some of the coolest people. Gone to some of the most fun events. Learned valuable lessons, connected with resources and tapped back into my creative side as a result.

I remember when I was younger, how I was very much into being creative.

Drawing, writing, staging plays and performances for my family during the holidays, making music, you name it.

But somewhere along the way, I allowed adulthood to get in the way.

But as previously referenced in my Christmas post, i realize now, that “the only way that I can really enjoy my life is to fully live and enjoy every moment”.

And living those moments requires that…

I love myself.

Allow myself.

Nurture myself.

Appreciate myself.

And more and more I look at challenges, whether they be situations or difficult people and make a very swift, conscious decision to give them my good energy or not.

And this has had a fundamental impact on my day to day life.

I already am the type of person who does not suffer fools well but when it came to my personal life, I would tend to be very lenient about this rule at times.

But now, I just resolve to hold firm in every situation because as I tweeted a few times a couple of weeks ago, ALL the relationships in my life need to be:

And just resolving to this concept completely has made the moments that in the past would have made me cave in to some pressure or appeased someone in one way or another, now makes me firm and resolute.

When I say NO, I mean NO.

When I say I don’t have time for this or save the drama for your grandmama, I mean it.

And there is so much peace and calmness in that.

I say all this to say that, if you are one of those resolution hating people, perhaps the smallest change in your perspective or a even a quote can be your resolution and make a world of difference in your life.

In closing, I implore you to, as this year comes to a close…remember to stay open to the possibilities..

I wish you the most wonderful wealth of all…love


Here’s to a New Year full of Major Curvatude!

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