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there are those moments in life..

you know the ones that to you are casual and almost uneventful..

that can become something so much more..and have a lasting effect.

it thrills me to know that me just being me has had a profound effect on someone else in a very positive manner and i wanted to share it here on the blog.

one of my twitter peepettes @freeyourheart wrote a blog post about a twitter conversation that we had.

she had asked me how do i keep going and doing so much and i told her what i always say…i love it…it fuels me…

and low and behold yesterday she wrote this great blog post about how what was just a simple statement in my mind “almost haunted” her.

spend some time on her blog… she really writes from the heart and opens herself up…

and keep in mind the potential of your most simplest actions…

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