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Living Curvatude…The Weekend

I don’t know what I was thinking when I took on this project.

I guess I thought it would be really easy to take two things that I love, filling each day with as much as possible and taking pictures of such and posting it here daily on the blog.

Sounded simple enough.

Day 1, last Thursday went smoothly, although I didn’t really give much commentary on the day other than short captions on the flickr photos.

But I realized that flickr is not my preferred method for housing the pictures…I don’t want folks to have to work to see them. I hate when I have to do that on websites.

So, I didn’t post over the weekend because I wanted to find a better way to display the pics.

I spent time searching and checking out how other blogs do it and finally just came to the realization THIS MORNING that I need to keep it simple and just use picasa…for now.

Anyway…it’s a crazy long post…but here’s my weekend…

Friday was a great kick off to the weekend..

I worked a bit then hit up the bucks for my chai fix and a little redeye reading…{read that Chicago has made some list of most angriest cities}…

Anyway, I grabbed one of my favorite magazines, Living etc, hopped on the train and headed off to Rosemont to watch the Chicago Sky take on the New York Liberty

And just as I was getting off the bus in front of the stadium, the sky, the real one, not the team 😉 broke open and it poured…

I was early and my friend had not arrived with the tickets, and as my good luck would have it, there was a target across the street so i ran to it…

They have already started loading up on the back to school promos and i came across some cute jewelry like this coral piece.

I purchased this cute silver clutch {which is almost the same color as my bedroom wall} for $9. I also got a belt on major clearance. Luckily my friend arrived or I would have left there with way more than two items.


I love that we have a ladies professional basketball team and we had fab seats right behind the team, but I gotta tell ya, they make me crazy….every game that I have gone to has been frustrating at one point or another…

The kid and I are going to one of their games in a couple of weeks, I am hoping for a better outcome than the one this night.

But I digress… and thankfully the nachos and margarita helped ease my pain

They had a bunch of Zumba instructors and students there who performed as a part of the half time festivities and it really looks fun….i need to sign up to take a class or two.

Anyway, they lost and I made my way home, jumping over and around huge puddles of water everywhere…I walked the beast and crashed…

Saturday started off extra fun...

I took a sushi 101 class and had a ball…

Because I went alone, I ended up getting paired with these two girls who just so happened to have brought a bottle of champagne with them!

Can you say…YEAH?!!

Love my life!

So there we were, 11 am, in class, wrapping sushi rolls, laughing, drinking champagne and being silly.

The instructor called us the rowdy bunch at one point and I corrected her and told her that we were not rowdy… we were the fun bunch!

After the class, I went home got a shower, slathered on some of my essentials, did a quick wardrobe change and headed out to see Danessa Myricks who was in town on a promo tour for Kiss New York.

If you do not know who Danessa is, you need to rectify that situation ASAP!

Last fall the Artist Summit was my introduction to her and her amazing artistry when I got to sit in on her Eye Focus seminar {see that post here}.

Well it turned out that her event was canceled due to the floods that we had in certain parts of the Chicagoland area but she couldn’t get the word out in time!

So there I was, all the way out in the burbs after having had to go thru major public transportation woes, that were also flood related and no Danessa.

I made my way back to the train station and saw a bus that was headed to one of my favorite malls that I rarely ever get out to and decided that since I was already there, I might as well make the most of it.

I step on the bus and this is what I see.

The driver said that she got caught in some of the flood water and her bus took on a lot of it. What you see in the picture, while a bit shocking is apparently nothing in comparison to what was there right after the incident.

Anyway, it was pretty much just the two of us for the duration of the ride. Here are some of the scenes we came upon. And as hard as she tried to avoid it by taking alternate routes, we still ended up on flooded streets.

But what really brought the depth of the situation home for me was when we came upon a car that was sitting in the middle of the street and we were told it was “the only one of the ones that had floated over here that no one has come to collect


I was like WOW!

But eventually we made it to Oakbrook Mall and I spent a little time in Macys, found a bucks in barnes and noble, picked up the latest People Stylewatch, checked out some Coach purses, etc.

I didn’t stay long because I was not sure what time the buses would stop running and I did not want to get stranded out there.

To get home, I ended up going a different route and came upon the most fantastic pinkish/purple sky.

I also ventured into a Salvation Army store that I have always wanted to check out and UGH!…the guy said that they were closing in 5 minutes but he didn’t have to worry about any protests from me…they had no air conditioning and it smelled like death in there.

Uh, checking that one off the list.

Sunday began verrryyy early

I had to get up before 6am to ship the kid off to cadet leadership camp..

I took advantage of being out so early and got some hot cakes from McDonalds…


It’s the little things

With the kid safely in her CWO’s hands, I decided to take a walk because it was so gorgeous and quiet out.

On the walk, I came across this atm that someone had ripped apart…and of course I had to make a bucks run before heading back to my place to take a little nap.

Next up I had to meet Rai of Swai-Rai to shoot a PSA for her new venture, The Bleeding Heart Project.

I was able to secure us a beautiful location, the Northside Bar & Grill for the filming and I can not wait to see the finished project.

After the shoot, I made my way to the Randolph Street Market. I have been trying to get there literally for years and just never quite made it until now… and I loved it.

I like to fancy myself a collector of things and there were plenty of things there to collect from new to old to trashy to treasures.

I wasn’t there a good 5 minutes and I had my wallet out and even had to go to the mobile atm because I didn’t have much cash on me.

Note to self: Next time I go to a market, leave all debit/credit cards at home and only take the amount of cash that you budget to spend!

I didn’t get too crazy but I did pick up a few things, including a great dress and purse that I will tell ya more about in another post.

I got myself a lone fish taco from Caoba with my last four bucks, after spending hours there shopping and at least an hour hanging with my girl Kelley Moseley of K-Fleye.

Oh and if you are not familiar with her work, you need to do yourself a favor and get familiar with it. {Here are a couple of posts where I am wearing her designs}.

I left there, went home and took a nap so that I could make it through the last event of my day, which to attend a performance by Lianna Carrerra.

She is silly and has a very unique comedic style, fueled by her being the christian lesbian daughter of a baptist minister.

Lianne’s set was about an hour, which was perfect because at that point of my day all I wanted to do was have a drink and a bite to eat, so we headed off to the Northside Bar & Grill again.

Dinner and laughs with the girls and then I called it a night..

Woo…as I tweeted…

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