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Apparently, Yes It Was Really Necessary

Ok….she tweeted and inserted her proverbial foot in her mouth BUT was it really that big of a thing?

In case you are not aware, there is a Lane Bryant issue live and in full tweet color on twitter and around the fatosphere regarding a tweet posted that took offense with a t-shirt that Definatalie has in her online shop.

The marketing powers that be at Lane Bryant have taken to their Inside Curve blog to try to address the matter.

The tweeter, who’s name is apparently Heather, saw a statement on the shirt that gave her pause..

it reads…“Does my fat arse look fat in this?”

And while I wouldn’t have given it a second thought, because I see it as a hands on hip, kiss my grits kinda statement, I can see why she might have taken offense to it.

The problem of course is, that Heather was not aware of who Definatalie is. She is a fatavist.

And unfortunately for Lane Bryant, they haven’t gotten to a place where they realize that they need to connect with more than the cool kids who blog just about the cute clothes that they wear but that they need to be aware of ALL of the dynamics that make up their customer base.

I have said for years that I have a love/hate relationship with Lane Bryant.

I appreciate that they have been in the game almost solo at times but after so many years, it’s been disappointing at times that that they don’t truly seem to get the position that they have always been in.

For one, I have never understood why they have not been in every city meeting/connecting with their customers over the years.

Why they let the cries and complaints go mainly unanswered for years. So there is a lot of frustration there {exhibited in some of the relentless comments on Inside Curve}.

And while I will give them their points for the headway that they have made in recent years, they still have a way to go and this “altercation” has served to throw the deer in the headlights!

I just hope that Lane Bryant will use this moment to not only appease but to grow and as Definatalie also suggested, get to know their customers and all of our complexities, needs and issues.

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