
Tomorrow’s Another Day

I posted this picture to remind myself to laugh.

Today started off relatively quiet. I had a bunch of errands on my calendar but I was pretty chill and relaxed.

So much so that I left my flat about 2 hours behind my intended schedule.

I had to drop off a new phone and some loot to my ma mere, then I was supposed to head over to Greer Chicago finally.

I say finally because I have been telling the owner, Chandra that I am stopping in for weeks and something always comes up. She probably thinks that I am either crazy or a flake.


I was also going to go to Macys to hopefully get a peek at Nigel Barker and buy his new book Beauty Equation

And I had other obligatory errands to run, banking, post office, etc.

I also had the Karen Millen @ 900 N. Michigan event to attend.

But at approximately noon I tweeted this

And shortly after, unbeknownst to me, something occurred that would change the course of my day in every way and led me to tweet this…

Apparently while I was taking the things out of my purse and putting them in the bag I was carrying so that they would not get wet, I somehow dropped my wallet.

And I didn’t become aware of this until after I was off the bus and chilling in my mothers bedroom.

And it sucks to high hell.

I have never lost a wallet before. And you always hear these horror stories.

And to say that I had EVERYTHING in it would be a major understatement.

And my poor ma mere was trying to be helpful, asking me questions and stuff and I finally just said ‘ma ma please‘ because I didn’t want to end up hollering at her when she of course hadn’t done anything wrong.

But when I am pissed, especially at myself, I just want to be left alone.

I don’t want to talk or anything. I just need some time for the bull to blow off steam and then I can get back in action.

Needless to say, once I made it back home I had to do one of the things I hate the most, call and speak to customer service reps.

And while this has been a major sucks rocks kinda day, I always try to see the big picture.

Yes, I lost my ish.

Sure it’s ridiculously inconvenient to have to cancel everything and wait on replacements and not even be able to get to your own money out of the bank until you can get a new ID


…nobody got hurt or died.

But damn, it was a brand new wallet and there was at least 200 bucks in it…and a whole bunch of other stuff

So, I felt entitled to and had my whining moments earlier and now…

I am reminding myself that in the words of my girl, Mary J. Blige, “you can’t keep a good woman down” and I have handled my business, canceled my cards, gotten a new ID and tomorrow is another day.

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