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Fashion Beauty Friend Friday: Closet Frenzy

Today’s Fashion Beauty Friend Friday is all about if and how I plan what I wear.

I almost didn’t even respond to this week’s questions because all of my answers are pretty much..no or I don’t but here we go..

1. How do you determine what you will wear that day?

Most of the time, I get up and stand in my room and look at my closet at all the clothes and go and do something else.


I just own way too many things…and my closet is way too small to hold it all, so things are everywhere.

That is why this year I have seriously started purging (more below).

But I determine what I wear most days by what is clean, easily accessible and fits.

2. Do you plan outfits out in advance for a whole week, month, weekend?

Seriously, I almost never plan out what I am going to wear.

The only time that this happens is when I am going away. But just being home doing my regular thang, no way.

I am very fly by the pants, pun intended.

3. Do you have any specific way of tracking outfits and items already worn so you don’t repeat?

I have pieces from season to season that I fall in love with because they are either crazy cute or comfortable or whatever so I try to wear them as much as possible.

So, I am not one of those people who has a problem repeating and this was taken to greater heights when I did my Rockin 10 items for 30 days challenge.

4. How do you discover new combination’s of items in your closet? (Trial try-ons? Hanging items together?)

Mariah’s Shoe Closet – Obscenely Fabulous!

As much as I wish that I had a closet like the one above, that’s all organized and lit up and HUMONGO, I don’t!!!

So, most of the time its purely out of a need to get out of the house NOW that I will look at pieces and grab them and put them together.

I applaud the people who really take time to do all of this planning but it is just so not me.

I am the girl who will go out and buy something rather than spend time trying to put together an outfit from my closet.

5. To streamline the process for 2011 what is one new thing you can do to cut down your dressing time?

To correct my errant dressing ways, I have begun a huge purge of my closet.

And while this is something that I regularly do in small ways, this year, I am taking it to another level.

My wardrobe is a huge mix of pieces, some that I have had for 20 years or more and a lot of current more trendy pieces, so I am paring it down to only the pieces that I love and know I will get the most mileage out of for years to come.

And besides, my style is changing so much, from the fabrics that I prefer to the colors that I am drawn to.

So, this current purge will leave me with an almost empty closet…good for Goodwill, bad for my wallet.

Fashion Beauty Friend Friday is the brainchild of Katy Rose of Modly Chic. It’s a fun community of diverse bloggers that’s growing by the day! Join in and have your say

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