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Karma is My B Book Signing

I attended C Chic Chicago’s book signing for her new novella, Karma is My Bitch.

I love that title. It’s just so badass.

And I love it even more that it and it’s contents are the last thing I would have ever expected from Cha’rron.

She is such a quiet, sweet girl who is always out and about with her lil one.

She even wrote about how she put off releasing it because she worried how the world would take it coming from her.

Needless to say, I love that once she decided that she just didn’t want to hold all this drama inside anymore, she didn’t waste time, finishing the novella and getting it out there in a matter of months.

The book signing was held at the cute boutique Viktoria’s Closet. There were models on hand, good food and drinks, a DJ and of course fashion.

Viktoria, the owner of Viktoria’s Closet

I started reading it when I left the event and you know how sometimes you read a book and it takes a while to get into the stories?

Well this is a novella after all and the drama with a capital D hits ya from the jump.

Congratulations Cha’rron! I am so glad that you didn’t let fear stop you from pursuing one of your dreams.

A portion of the proceeds from the sale of Karma is My Bitch goes to charity.

Learn more about it and get your copy here.

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