{Life} Checking In

Hey lovelies,

I am a little off the grid because the beast (my dog for those of you who are new to my world) has been sick for several weeks now and to say that it has been sad, exhausting and upsetting would be an understatement.

So, I have just been trying to get him to eat and drink, both of which he refuses to do most of the time and basically trying to keep him alive.

The doctor had me giving him subcutaneous fluids because his kidney levels were off and he would drink lots of water but would not eat. He responded well initially and I got food from the vet to feed him that he actually ate but now he seems to be getting worse because he’s back to not eatting and isn’t very interested in water either.

He’s also vomiting, goes to poop but nothing comes out because he’s not eating and barely drinking.

On Saturday I went to get more fluid to administer to him and now he has swelling around his neck, so I am taking him back to the vet tomorrow and hoping for the best.

Other than that, I haven’t even thought about pictures, etc for the blog but I am forcing myself to get back in the swing of things and try to stay positive.

Anyway, send a good thought or two out for us and I hope you guys are doing well…

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