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{Life} January To Do List

OMG Delights!

January has arrived with a bang and although I am currently sick and the weather has been so over the top cold, I am excited for this fresh 365 and doing the damn thing.

As mentioned in my December To Do list, we went on our epic road trip to from Chicago to Mississippi to Minnesota and back again over Christmas with the wee ones. I really wanted to make it a memorable time for them, so I added a lot of fun but simple touches around the flat. I ordered a simple Scandinavian style table and chairs and added cute pops of red, lights and the cardboard deer I have had for a couple of years now (last seen here).

Table (also similar and more options here) | Chair Set

And while there were definitely some oh my gawd what were we thinking moments and I got sick, I would totally do it all over again.  During a moment of chill at one of the various hotels we stayed at, I rocked this cute plaid pajama set, which I snagged for under $11!! I also have it in the heather grey stripes and I ordered it in another color but missed the in store pick up deadline because we were on the road.

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We also got “stuck” in Minnesota because the weather turned driving into a NO. But we made the most of it and there were so many sweet, funny moments that I will always remember and that I hope the girls will also.

BLOG to do:

The goal for 2018 is to share more brands that I love and products etc that hopefully make our lives better in one way or another. And I have already partnered with Dreamfit via Linqia and I have other collaborations in the works.

I am also geeked to announce that I sent out my first legit newsletter EVER! I have been collected email addresses over the years but I hadn’t actually sent a legit newsletter out until now and the subject of the newsletter was basically, “yeah you haven’t heard from me, so feel free to unsubscribe now that you are“.

You might be wondering “why would she encourage people to unsubscribe from her list“.

Well I really don’t want people who are aren’t interested to waste their time or add to their email clutter with my newsletter. I only want people reading my emails and my blog for that matter, who are interested in what I share, who feel that I offer some value to them and their life.

So there you go.

I also shared what to expect in future newsletters. You can check it all out here and if you haven’t already, get on my mailing list and rest assured that what you will receive in your inbox will not be just a re-feeding of the posts on the site.

Anyway, a giveaway of a 2018 planner that is almost identical to the one I use is dropping THIS WEEKEND. I meant to run it in December but the end of the month totally got away from me, so here we are. It won’t run long. Using a planner has made such a difference for me, I want the winner to be able to get right into using it as soon as possible.

I shared links to pieces on my desk in this post.

And once I have a voice again, new videos will be dropping on my YouTube page featuring brand reviews, new in my closet and a cool product that would be great for making a very common New Year’s goal easier to achieve.


I also gave my brand it’s due and created Curvatude Media, LLC to make it a legit business on it’s own and it feels good to finally make it official.

And I chose my new template for the switch to WordPress and I am going with Blue Host for hosting. Now all my efforts are about making sure that I complete the move seamlessly.

The T-shirt is still on the list and I don’t have anything new to add about it just yet but the other day I had a dream about it approaching it an entirely different way, so we will see what happens. More to come.

LIFE to do:

 I recently found out that I was anemic and I was like wahhh? I already knew my cholesterol levels are an issue (more on my family history with heart disease) but anemic?  Well it does seem to explain why I had been brutally sick for almost 3 straight months early on in 2017 and why I was hit again hard this past week.

But I have started taking this vegan iron supplement, been popping the max amount of zinc recommended, dranking my weight in orange juice and downing a shot (or 2) of Nyquil every night because you know the nights are THE WORSE.

And while I have moments where I am coughing my brains seemingly out of my head, I definitely see light at the end of this sick tunnel and I am staying as productive as I can in spite of it.

I am also finishing up my vision board and I have been debating what my word of the year will be all week and I think today it finally came to me and I will share it soon.

I hope 2018 has started off in a way that motivates and inspires you and even if it hasn’t, I hope that you remember that every day is a new day and another chance for things to be different and better.

Let’s do THIS!

Let’s Connect!


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