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{Link Love} Shouts & Raves | Vol 1

It has been so long since I have ranted or raved about things that I am loving or hating or shared links from my favorite sites, etc so I wanted to get back in the habit of doing so.  And there is lots to share, as my blog/twitter and just general interest feeds run deep. I mean…seriously deep and of course it’s not just fashion, it’s filled with beauty, home decor, travel, business, money, photography and more.

Speaking of favorites, I recently purchased a light box. I have wanted one forever and I am glad I finally just got one. Have you had something on your list that you have wanted forever? Just get it girl. Life is for the living and enjoying NOW!

Cinema Light box

Loving my #lightbox, so expect to see it A LOT 😜 Deets on this one & others>  www.liketk.it/27Gfl #liketkit #tealover

Anyway, on to the shoutin’ and ravin’…


*This video of Tian Tian, the adorable panda at the Smithsonian National Zoo playing in the snow in the wake of the east coast blizzard, warms my heart.

Been smiling at this for the last couple of days…can’t get enough pic.twitter.com/QVbQCQlqfA

— Curvatude™ (@Curvatude) January 26, 2016

*Bow down to Gabrielle Union who summed up with perfection, exactly how I feel about Stacey Dash.

*Major kudos to Fab Fit Fun on a sweet first box. I purchased this back in December and did a video review but me and video just currently aren’t friends, so I have had so many issues with it & it may never see the light of day…Anyway, this was a great box, the Frends headphones alone, (which I was so geeked to see because I can’t live without headphones) are worth double what I paid for the box.  JOIN & get $5 off + a free fruit infuser water bottle – Code: SNOWY5.

Fashion Raves

The latest GabiFresh for Swim Sexy collection at Swimsuits For All has dropped and I love the sophisticated colors and prints. I especially love The Dutchess Bikini and matching Maxi Split Caftan. Oh and speaking of swimsuits, I recently purchased this golden beauty. Come on Summer, I can not wait to have the sun reflecting off my golden-ness and while I chill on the beach.LOL

Foodie Raves

Kathy made me want to lick my laptop screen with this yummy looking sandwich. It is high on my must make list.

Who doesn’t love Trader Joe’s? We are there at a minimum 2 times a week and I will be posting my own faves in a separate post but apparently these are their most popular products of 2015.

What say you? What faves did you shout out recently? 

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