
{Life} Do More of What Makes You Happy

Well, it’s official tomorrow a New Year will be at our door and we all know that with the start of every new year comes a bombardment of “New Year Resolutions”.  Most of them revolve around changing our appearance and losing weight. The problem that arises from some of these resolutions is the usual shame that follows when you don’t achieve them.

For 2015, I chose to stop making resolutions directed to morphing my body not for health reasons, but instead to meet beauty standards I’m being told by society I should meet. Let’s stop pushing ourselves to achieve unattainable tasks that create feelings of shame or inadequacy. Instead, lets focus on living our best life! For 2016, let’s focus on loving the people in our lives. Let’s enjoy the moments and experiences the New Year brings and most importantly, let’s focus on doing more of what makes us happy.

What makes you happy? What have you been putting off because you’ve been waiting for the right time? or for you to be a certain size? Well, let’s make this the year we stop putting our lives on hold. Let’s live more, travel more, love more. 

Here are a few ways of doing more of what makes you happy:

  • MAKE ROOM FOR POSITIVITY. Find ways of filling your life with positivity and what better time to begin than a new year. This is the perfect time to remove anything or anyone that has been bringing negativity into your life. Start the 2016 by cleansing your life and make room for bigger and greater things.
  • TRY NEW THINGS. Make a list of any hobby or activity you’ve been wanting to take on and do them. Take that painting class, photography course or go on that long overdue vacation.
  • GIVE YOURSELF ROOM FOR FAILURE. Sometimes, along with new experiences come moments of utter fall-in-your-face-failures and that’s okay, you don’t have to be the next VanGogh or Annie Lebowitz. We will never be perfect at everything, but you’ll never know where you shine until you try. And even if you fail, high five yourself for having the courage to try!

So here is to a new year filled with endless possibilities! Let’s make it an amazing 2016. HAPPY NEW YEAR, my lovelies,

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