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{Entertainment} #Scandal Season 5 Episode 1: Run Recap

I started this post Friday so I am posting it later than I had planned but rereading through all of this has only served to get me hyped for this weeks episode!

I have been crazily awaiting the return of Scandal and Thursday’s episode did not disappoint me, so I wanted to recap it via tweets.

First off, if you recall how last season ended, Liv was dancing around with her big wine goblet and waiting for Jake to return to the room so that they could do it on the piano, when she was snatched from her apartment and it turns out taken…

— Curvatude™ (@Curvatude) January 30, 2015

Where her snatchers were holding her poor neighbor (who I never even knew existed) hostage.

they got granny hostage while they done took over her place tracking Jake #Scandal
— Curvatude™ (@Curvatude) January 30, 2015

Meanwhile of course Jake immediately jumps to action (in his drawls, ya’ll) when he sees that Liv is gone and a big wine splatter is on the couch

look at jake trying to be a hero in his underroos #Scandal
— Curvatude™ (@Curvatude) January 30, 2015

And of course the hostage takers think it’s hilarious that Jake is falling for the ruse

wow Jake! Run Forest, RUN!!!! LMAO #Scandal
— Curvatude™ (@Curvatude) January 30, 2015

So of course Jake finally puts his clothes on after thinking that he spotted the kidnappers getting away in a vehicle (with obvious license plates) and heads out to get a rescue plan together and stops for a moment thinking he heard something, which was Liv trying to call out for him with masking tape over her mouth and an arm around her neck but he IGNORES it.

Damn Jake…use your spidy sense! Yes, you heard something #Scandal
— Curvatude™ (@Curvatude) January 30, 2015

Meanwhile the poor neighbor thinks the kidnappers, who just took their masks off, which is 101 for we about to kill you, are going to let her and Liv go.

Bless her heart… #Scandal
— Curvatude™ (@Curvatude) January 30, 2015

So the kidnappers take Liv out in a body bag under her poor neighbor that they killed and put her in a fake ambulance. The kidnappers then proceed to harass her. Asking her why she hasn’t asked them what they want and Liv essentially told the talkative one…

in other words, you are low on the pay grade. why should i talk to you minion #Scandal
— Curvatude™ (@Curvatude) January 30, 2015

Fast forward and Liv wakes up in a jail cell with a whiny dude named Ian going on and on about how terrified he is, etc

and dude in the corner is obviously on high cray. shake it off dude. #Scandal
— Curvatude™ (@Curvatude) January 30, 2015

Liv of course goes into protector, save the day mode and tried to comfort him when he talks about having a daughter and how they killed the last person who was in the jail with him, blah blah

don’t even include this fool in your plans Liv. he is too scared to be useful #Scandal
— Curvatude™ (@Curvatude) January 30, 2015

And besides, there is something off about him…

i just dont trust him. i just dont. befriending her is probably his ticket out. #Scandal
— Curvatude™ (@Curvatude) January 30, 2015

And although she has been in slight freak out mode, it dawns on Liv…

I’m OLIVIA POPE! #Scandal
— Curvatude™ (@Curvatude) January 30, 2015

But in her AHA moment she really tells Ian way too much…

Yass…my boo, the President of the United States is looking for me, so chin up cryboy. #Scandal
— Curvatude™ (@Curvatude) January 30, 2015

And while I know Liv has never been in prison, she should know better than to be spilling all her beans with dude…

Liv is not following prison protocol. you just arrived. you dont know dude. you need to keep your plans close to your chest. #Scandal
— Curvatude™ (@Curvatude) January 30, 2015

In addition to bragging about her boo thang looking for her, Liv shares with him that she may have a tracking chip in her body and how her dad put one in her mom and all this ish…

She is hoping Jake put a track on her #Scandal
— Curvatude™ (@Curvatude) January 30, 2015

So then they do a series of bathroom runs, where the guys tell live over and over…

5 minutes… #Scandal
— Curvatude™ (@Curvatude) January 30, 2015

Or he’s coming in. And finally on one trip, Liv decides to try and break out of the window in the bathroom using of all things…

LADIES! A bra is about to save the damn day! #Scandal
— Curvatude™ (@Curvatude) January 30, 2015

Liv feverishly works to break the underwire out of her bra and proceeds to use it to try to open the lock on the window

who would have thunk it…that dreaded underwire! OMG! #Scandal
— Curvatude™ (@Curvatude) January 30, 2015

I mean SERIOUSLY? Underwire in bras is one of the banes of my existence, so to see it being used for good was just like WOW to me. All that torture could be worth it after all.

Of course Liv gets caught and they kidnappers play good kidnapper, bad kidnapper when one of them wants to punish her stating how “he”, the boss apparently said to not harm her. So they instead decide to punish Ian and drag him off.

I still don’t trust none of this. And if they really wanted her to feel bad, they would’ve let her see them shoot him #Scandal
— Curvatude™ (@Curvatude) January 30, 2015

Next thing you know, one of the kidnappers appears at the door with blood on his face after a gun shot is heard…

they splattered some bbq sauce on dudes face pretending its blood. so suspect. #Scandal
— Curvatude™ (@Curvatude) January 30, 2015

Next thing you know, Jake is rescuing Liv. Liv is snuggling up to Fitz in the Vermont house and there is jam in the fridge

WAIT….WHAT THE? This is crazy town. Vermont, Jam. A dog. Definitely a dream #Scandal
— Curvatude™ (@Curvatude) January 30, 2015

Finally Abby shows up in the dream and gives a gladiator speech with the most poignant line EVER

OH SNAP!!! That’s the truth of the matter! Olivia can only rely on Olivia!!! #Scandal pic.twitter.com/Li6kzJ29UA
— Scandal (@ScandalABC) January 30, 2015

And seriously, that bears repeating..

There is no man to rescue you. Remember this ladies. #Scandal
— Curvatude™ (@Curvatude) January 30, 2015

Finally Liv wakes up from her fields of dreams, dream and remembers she’s a gladiator…

Ok she has a plan….Gladiate Gladiator! #Scandal
— Curvatude™ (@Curvatude) January 30, 2015

So the plan is, I still got my underwire so I am going to jimmy that window lock but…

DAMNNNNNN….These mofo’s done bricked the window. #Scandal
— Curvatude™ (@Curvatude) January 30, 2015

And Liv is feeling so defeated that she breaks down…

Liv have your ugly cry…then get up! Plan B! You still got that underwire. #Scandal
— Curvatude™ (@Curvatude) January 30, 2015

And fast forward Liv gets her ish together and womans up and ends up with one of the kidnappers guns…

Shoot his ass #Scandal
— Curvatude™ (@Curvatude) January 30, 2015

And she actually does and heads for the exit only to find that it is…

a friggin sound stage? OMG! #Scandal
— Curvatude™ (@Curvatude) January 30, 2015

And I called it…

AND I knew that damn IAN was a damn FAKE! #Scandal
— Curvatude™ (@Curvatude) January 30, 2015

And he smugly reveals his master plan, which is basically to get at Fitz and reminds Liv of her of her biggest flaw…

Yep, Liv. You always have to save everyone. #Scandal
— Curvatude™ (@Curvatude) January 30, 2015

Sigh…and next thing you know, Liv is on tv in hostage mode…

No they don’t have Liv holding a newspaper. #Scandal
— Curvatude™ (@Curvatude) January 30, 2015

OMG! OMG! #ICant #Scandal
— Curvatude™ (@Curvatude) January 30, 2015

And we are all just in a kind of WTF haze with this episode but loving every minute of it…

OK! 😏 @queeneulalia: shonda just decided to go full on #embracethecrazy with this episode and i’m kinda here for it. #scandal
— Curvatude™ (@Curvatude) January 30, 2015

Do you watch Scandal? Live tweet it with me HERE!

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