
{Life} My Happy Surprise #NaBloPoMo

Hello Lovelies! 
Today’s #NaBloPoMo Joy month post prompt is to: 

Talk about a surprise that made you happy
Well this is totally an easy one for me because I received a lovely surprise just last week.  
My Joe has over the course of the last 18 years made it a point from time to time to give me gifts on holidays, even the ones that aren’t usually gift giving affairs.
And this Thanksgiving was one such occasion and I was surprised with this INSANE Viktor & Rolf Flowerbomb gift set.

And to top it off, it has my initials, JGT engraved on the bottle AND the box has these lights built into. How fun is that? I was like a little kid on Christmas when I pulled the little tab out and they came on.

Joe knows that this fragrance is one of my top three all time favorites and I had been out of it for months but we hadn’t had any conversations about it, so it was definitely a thoughtful, happy surprise.

Have you had any happy surprises lately?

ps. did you enter the cape giveaway? winning it would be a happy surprise, right?!

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