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{What I Ate} and I am Joining in on #NaBloPoMo

Years ago I joined in on NaNoWriMo and started writing a book so this new (to me) blogging challenge based off of it called NaBloPoMo is something that I am excited to get into because my goal is to continually get better about sharing regular content here on le blog.

NaBloPoMo November 2014And what better season for this than now. With the holidays fast approaching, we all can sometimes get so busy that some things and in particular for me, the blog can definitely get pushed to the wayside.

So, it’s day 1 of NaBloPoMo and truth be told I am writing this after a very longgggg but fulfilling day while soaking in the bath and with one eye open because I am soooooo sleepy. But I wanted to get off to a good start by getting in day 1. I mean come on…it’s the least I can do right?

And to sweeten up the post a little, I am sharing here on the blog finally that I have gone completely vegan. I say here on the blog because I have been posting about it on social media for a couple of weeks now under the hastag #CurvesGoneVegan.

More to come on this but in the meantime, here are some of the good vegan eats that I have been consuming.

Photo: Starting my new #Vegan #LiveIt so today’s #lunch is hummus sans oil w/a salad. #CurvesGoneVeganhttp://t.co/zqsOujHBBR
— Curvatude™ (@Curvatude) October 13, 2014

A photo posted by Goody (@curvatude) on

A photo posted by Goody (@curvatude) on

A photo posted by Goody (@curvatude) on

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