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Flywheel Stadium Cycling Mini Review & Giveaway #NaBloPoMo

If you follow me on facebook or twitter, then you may have seen this lovely pic of my crazily bruised calf.

On my way to @FlywheelChicago blogger preview & hoping my swollen, bruised calf wont hinder my workout #CurvesDefined pic.twitter.com/R1KYpSAGz4
— Curvatude™ (@Curvatude) October 28, 2014

How my calf came to this state is beyond me. I just know that my legs had been incredibly tight and I hadn’t been doing my morning stretches as much as I should have. But I knew on Tuesday that I had my intro to Flywheel coming up and it was something that I did not want to miss.

So, I pulled out my two stiff, achy body weapons of choice, my foam roller (similar) and my wooden ball massager (similar) and worked it out throughout the day.

And although it hurt like h e l l, it did the trick and by the time that I had to leave for my class, my leg, while crazy bruised and still achy was no longer stiff and almost immovable.


And then the fun began…

Initially when I was invited to check out Flywheel, having never participating in any kind of spinning class ever before, I was a little nervous. But I found that my fears were completely unwarranted and I left the class feeling excited and like hey, I can’t wait to do that again. It was SO FUN!

A photo posted by Flywheel Sports (@flywheelsports) on

Flywheel Stadium Cycling is basically a 45 or 60 minute cycling ride that includes climbs and descents, while working arms with weighted bars for a part of it and music pumping to keep you moving. And I must say that my class instructor Will had some jamming music. It definitely helped me push thru. And the class flew by and I got like over 16 miles in, even with my bruised calf!


Check out this video featuring Ruth Zukerman, Founder of Flywheel Sports. It really gives you a feel for what the experience is like.

Flywheel has locations in Chicago, NYC, Texas, Atlanta, Boston, Florida, LA, Philadelphia, Seattle, North Carolina, Northern California and Dubai, (yes, that Dubai).

And as a treat for you my readers, I am giving away a 1 workout pass to three of you. You can use it for either the Flywheel Stadium Cycling class OR the Flybarre Body Sculpting class, which is next on my list of classes that I want to take.
You can enter by leaving a blog comment OR by my joining my email list via the rafflecopter below. And don’t worry, you wont be inundated with emails, I don’t even have time for that LOL 😉

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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