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{Fab Five} Tips To Survive The Holiday Season #NaBloPoMo

Don’t you feel it? All the pre-holiday air? It’s invigorating and nostalgic and just wonderful, right?

But as we all know, the wonderfulness of the most wonderful time of the year can turn into exhaustion in a heartbeat.

So I have put together a list of 5 things that I feel are going to be essential to maintaining your joy and sanity this holiday season.

#1 – Sleep

Yeah it sounds simple enough, right? But we all know that getting enough sleep can be challenging during the most chill of times but add to that the holly, jolly, folly of the holiday season and we all tend to skimp on it.

So, I am challenging YOU & me to make sure that we get those z’s in. And this includes sneaking in those short naps, which can be seriously nirvana.  I think our bodies and our minds and the folks around us will thank us for it.

#2 – Exercise 

I could basically just put a big ditto here as exercise and sleep are of course two of the biggest must do’s for living well in general.

And by exercise I don’t mean lugging packages around the malls although man, it can surely feel like a workout at times. LOL Especially this time of the year when the malls can be so overcrowded.

But I am going to work hard to get my sweat on during these next few weeks because I know how much more energized and less stressed it makes me feel when I do and it’s seriously one of the best gifts that you can give to yourself. And you don’t even have to leave the house to do so. Check out these free online workouts.

#3 Say No

This is my favorite thing on this list and one of the things that I have mastered. The art of saying no is to me major self love. It is just so completely freeing to be like “naw boo” and be totally ok with it when it comes to things you just don’t want to do or can’t do.

Trust me. Say it with me…Naw Boo…

And sure sometimes folks will not be happy with you because of it but you can’t please everyone and those who really respect you will understand and appreciate the honesty and not make it something that it is not.

#4 Take Time Alone
This is another one that I practice regularly & prioritize not just this time of the year but year round.

While I love hanging out with my peeps, I REALLY love my own company. You will always find me going to the movies by myself, out to eat, shopping and even traveling. I just really love having time alone.

Chicago Frozen Lake Michigan in The Winter

And this includes my time at home as well. I LIVE for my long soaks in the tub and being home alone. It is just a great way to chill out and tune into myself, which only makes me more patient and relaxed when I am with others.

So maybe for you, taking time out means hiding out in your favorite spot reading your favorite mags or a book on your list (my latest suggestions).  Or maybe just sitting and vegging out in front of the tv catching up on your favorite shows. Whatever your thing is, do some of it FOR YOU!

#5 Create New Traditions

A lot of people have their long standing traditions that they love and enjoy and that is wonderful.

But I have found that sometimes traditions can become burdens. So instead of being stressed trying to make things that may no longer fit your current lifestyle happen, why not create new traditions? Ones that don’t fill you with angst or rob you of time or make you resentful.

Last year we went to watch the annual Chicago Thanksgiving parade for the first time ever. It was freezing cold but I snapped hundreds of pictures and really enjoyed it.

Chicago Thanksgiving Day Parade.jpg

So, maybe this year you want to volunteer to help those in need or instead of making a huge meal that you have to fuss over, maybe you can order in some things and just make the items that you really enjoy making to share with your loved ones.

Or perhaps every year you want to be more crafty and make decorations for the holidays but you just never seem to be able to fit them in. I made sure that I got this one in last year. And my craft was the most simplest thing ever, a DIY Joy sign made from colorful straws taped to canvas panels but I smiled every time I walked in the door and saw it.

So, it could even be as simple as stringing popcorn but whatever your thing is, it should fuel you and fill you and make you enjoy the season because this truly is the most wonderful time of the year if you make it so!

All photos: Jaye Gipson

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