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{Events} Cosmopolitan’s Fun Fearless Life Weekend in NYC #FunFearlessLife

Cosmopolitan Magazine is hosting it’s first ever Fun Fearless Life Conference in New York City this weekend, Nov 8th & 9th and yours truly will be there covering it.

I love the name that they chose. It just speaks to everything that I feel life should be, an adventure. One where you don’t sit on the sidelines but where you go out and meet life and all of her ups and downs fearlessly.

On tap for the Fun Fearless Life Conference will be some of the most AWEsome and influential women like Sophia Amoruso, the Nasty Gal founder & Kelly Osbourne (yes miss fab hair herself). And the guys will be there too, including twitter CEO Dick Costolo. They will all be sharing their take on life, careers, health, dating and everything in between, which I am sure will consist of a lot of lessons and laughter.

This is a Cosmo event, so of course there will be beauty makeovers and shopping but I am most excited about the scheduled events. They will cover a full range of topics from fashion to fitness (with my crush Jillian Michaels), career planning and social media upgrading to home ownership.

So, if you will be in NYC, snag a ticket and tweet me so that we can connect or follow along via the #FunFearlessLife tag and my twitter and instagram feeds as I will of course be sharing ALOT!.

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