A {Blogger’s Life} Aint Easy But I Wouldn’t Change A Thing #NaBloPoMo
I just returned from NYC yesterday and I am of course getting back into the groove things. Latching back on to all the things I have to do but also really processing a lot of the information that I took in while at the Cosmo Mag Fun Fearless Life conference. More on that to come.
Today in Chicago it is basically going to start out as a lovely Fall day and then end up, rainy & Winter and of course I have a shoot…outside…el oh el…sigh…
For someone like me who really tries to create a experience out of my outfits posts, a lot of work goes into it. On an average shoot, my kid and I take 100+ pictures and I usually only end up using about 5 or so. And not because we don’t get a lot of good shots because we capture a lot of fun ones like this look from my Plaid, Key To My Heart post, that never get posted.
And then there is finding a location that will be fun and enhance the look or the product if I am working with a brand. Like the shoot for the look above, we moved this until I felt that we were really capturing nature in a way that would make the images pop and really showcase the look.
These are just a couple of the many things to consider. And today we are getting a late start because my kid works, so we will definitely be working against mother nature when she is off late in the afternoon but as much of a challenge as it can be, I wouldn’t change any of it.
I love blogging and I love sharing bits of my life, my personality, my style and I hope you enjoy it.
Anyway, I just wanted to do a quick check in and oh here is another pic that I snapped from my favorite view while in my favorite place on the planet..it never gets old to me…