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A {Blogger’s Life} Aint Easy But I Wouldn’t Change A Thing #NaBloPoMo

I just returned from NYC yesterday and I am of course getting back into the groove things. Latching back on to all the things I have to do but also really processing a lot of the information that I took in while at the Cosmo Mag Fun Fearless Life conference. More on that to come.

Today in Chicago it is basically going to start out as a lovely Fall day and then end up, rainy & Winter and of course I have a shoot…outside…el oh el…sigh…

Some people think blogging is easy but trust me, it’s NOT!  

For someone like me who really tries to create a experience out of my outfits posts, a lot of work goes into it. On an average shoot, my kid and I take 100+ pictures and I usually only end up using about 5 or so. And not because we don’t get a lot of good shots because we capture a lot of fun ones like this look from my Plaid, Key To My Heart post, that never get posted.

Plus Size Fashion Blogger Plaid Skirt Faux Fur Vest Felt Fedora

And this is because I think 5-7 or so is more than enough to convey a look. Do you agree?

And then there is finding a location that will be fun and enhance the look or the product if I am working with a brand. Like the shoot for the look above, we moved this until I felt that we were really capturing nature in a way that would make the images pop and really showcase the look.

These are just a couple of the many things to consider. And today we are getting a late start because my kid works, so we will definitely be working against mother nature when she is off late in the afternoon but as much of a challenge as it can be, I wouldn’t change any of it.

I love blogging and I love sharing bits of my life, my personality, my style and I hope you enjoy it.

Anyway, I just wanted to do a quick check in and oh here is another pic that I snapped from my favorite view while in my favorite place on the planet..it never gets old to me…

View Over Central Park New York City

Central Park just makes me smile…

And last but not least, happy Veteran’s Day to all of out veterans.
Thank you doesn’t feel adequate enough.

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