
{Life} New Year, New Things #6 – See The Possibilities

It’s the beginning of a brand new year, a fresh 365 to do as The Big O(prah) says “Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.”

And cliches & cynicism aside (see my post about resolutions backlash and why it’s unnecessary), I don’t know how this time of year could not give you new inspiration to address areas of your life and see how you can make them better. I know I for one am jazzed…
I used to attend a church here in Chicago over 20 years ago called Christ Universal & it was via this booklet I got there like 18 years ago that I learned the power of visualization. 

While it may seem like a novel concept to non-believers, I know first hand the power of visualization & positive energy, but I haven’t created a full out vision board in quite some time, so I am making that a priority this year because I am serious about making my dreams a reality.
A few years back Oprah.com created a virtual vision board platform, called the O Dream Board (no longer active) & it is my vision board of choice instead of the traditional paper method because it’s just easier for me but I do print them out because I think it’s important to see your visualizations throughout the day.

The pic above is from Oprah.com but it is similar to how I divide my board into areas like health, relationships, business, etc.

Do you use vision boards? 

If so, have they helped you stay focused on your goals & dreams?

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