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{Life} New Year, New Things #2 – I Aint Your Superwoman

The list of unfinished projects, blog posts, business ideas that I have is THE biggest #sideeye/#fail area in my life.

I can not tell you how many posts that I have started but never finished, how many hundreds of pics I have taken but never got around to posting, how many clients I have had to turn down (or let down), simply because, and the would be superwoman in me aches from having to acknowledge this, but I can not do it all alone.

So, to stop shooting myself in the foot and to start actually helping myself get a better handle on things, I have hired an assistant aka my kid to work for me.

The reason why I hadn’t done this already was because I have had an assistant before and it was the biggest annoyance ever. I ended up having to check so much of her work, that I was doing double the work, so the thought of hiring another one was not high on my list.

But it’s time to get realistic. There are only so many hours in the day and I have so many things in the queue that I really want/need to get done, so I am giving my kid a go.  And I did say hire, as in a paid position, because while I believe that there can be great value in internships, they don’t pay the bills (nor do they keep your from asking your mother to borrow money….haha)

The great thing about this arrangement is that my kid already knows me. She knows how I work, what I expect, that I am the crazy type AAA, etc.

And she has already shot plenty of photo sessions with me like the day back in November that she followed me around the Randolph Street Market to photograph the awesome Fossil Erin satchel that I got via Klout (that I never got around to posting about).

Jeans (gift -last seen here) | Leather Converse (gift)

p.s. I was gaga for these old school sweaters and purchased the one in my hands. its so awesome.

And of course that little fact that I gave birth to her almost 20 years ago, is a huge advantage, as far as understanding my personality goes.

She also is always very eager to learn and unlike the battles we had when she was in her early teens, she has matured tremendously and we don’t argue at all anymore….thank bejebus…

So, here’s to a 2014 where my to do list becomes less of a burden and more of a springboard to success!!

Are you making any changes to get more on top of your life?

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