{Happy} Holidays!

Tomorrow is Christmas eve and I am working for a bit, running last minute errands to snag those last couple of gifts, cooking a bit then heading over to Joes, where we will celebrate the wee ones 2nd Christmas.

Now that she is 19 months old this season has been so fun.  She is aware of so much more and is really hilarious abut expressing it. It’s really fun to see.

Anyway, I am taking a little respite from le blog for a few days but of course I will be tweeting and posting to instagram and I even started actually posting more than my instagram photos to my tumblr, so you will find me there too.

Oh and don’t forget my Christmas playlist…it’s really a good one if I say so myself…oh and the giveaway winner was chosen…is it you? Go here to find out!

Lastly, whatever holiday you celebrate (and even if you don’t celebrate any), I wish you love & laughter!

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