{life} currently i am…

happy weekend!

it’s rainy and dark today which usually translates into me wanting to do absolutely

 nothing but in reality, the buzz of life goes on….

autumn-izing the flat…more on luxaholic

taking the wee one out for a day of pumpkins and shopping…

she’s 16 months old and everything is fresh and new thru her eyes…

reading the flinch on my phone…

i downloaded it when it came out last december 

but i am just getting around to actually reading it…

and i am loving it and would highly recommend it (it’s free btw). 


“Ask yourself this: 

would your childhood self be proud of you or embarrassed”

it is at it’s essence, a reminder that life is for the living…out loud…

i am working on a sea of projects…

some fun (an in-store fashion event…deets to come) 

and some not so but necessary nonetheless. 

tomorrow i am brunchin with a blogger crew 

and in the midst of these two short days, i am hoping to sneak a nap in…

fingers crossed…

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