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{event} Recaps: #BLMGirls Brunch, Sequin Jewelry, Modern Vintage Chicago

If you follow me on twitter, you know that i attended quite a few events the past couple of weeks and while I don’t have the time to post them individually, I did want to share them a bit.

I brunched with some of the Chicago members of BLM. It was a fun time, meeting new bloggers and noshing on the buffet offerings at Zed451.

More pics here
I also took in the Sequin jewelry session that was a part of Fashion Focus Chicago.
Frances Renk, the force behind the marketing & development 
of Sequin was interviewed by her friend and the most hilarious and down to earth
woman and fellow Chicago west-sider and wife of Charlie Trotter, Rochelle Trotter.
She took her shoes off at the beginning and invited others to do the same LOL
It was a very interesting talk about doing things outside the box. 
Mrs. Trotter runs a very successful culinary business and she proudly mentioned that 
she doesn’t have a website but has created her business on the connections 
that she has built over the years and word of mouth.

They both are wearing pieces from Sequin and I was very
surprised to learn that they produce 100,000 pieces a day. 
They also make jewelry for some of the biggest name brands and 
all the jewelry on Gossip Girl is made by them.
I also attended one of my favorite events, the season opening of the
The next market is the first of two Holiday Markets and they are not the be missed!
I seriously never get tired of their markets, there is always so much that 
I want and so many fun vendors to chat up. 
One of my favorite vendors is Ms. Phyllis from “I Don’t Sell Jewelry, I Sell A Look”.
She is a firecracker and we are always laughing and she is always 
showing me off to customers in the market like a mom…
I can’t believe that I didn’t take a pic with her…next month I will for sure.
These are two bracelets that I purchased from her…Love them!
coat on sale | jeans on sale | coach purse  
belt i have had forever | thrifted sweater
This was a multi-event, running around day, so my look was all about comfort.

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