{events} #BBRadio SocialRevUp Brands & Bloggers Show

Tomorrow, Wednesday 5/2/12 at 9pm cst, I will be one of the guests on the #BBRadio SocialRevUp Brands & Bloggers Show, that is hosted by Beth Rosen.

They have had some great bloggers on their show, so I was highly honored when my girl Dwana asked me to join them.

Check out some of their previous shows here.

SocialRevUp is a Chicago based, woman owned organization that helps build and bridge successful alliances between bloggers and brands marketing to women and families.

In addition to the radio show, they host a very successful conference called the #BBSummit that is all about bloggers and brands learning about how to effectively build relationships with one another.

It is taking place July 21st here in Chicago. Get more details about it here).

But please tune in tomorrow night. I have no idea what we will be talking about, as they like to keep it organic but it should be fun.

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