{beauty} giving you face

i don’t write about it nearly enough, but i love makeup.

I remember being like 9 years old hanging out with a friend playing with the stuff and just being fascinated with what you could do with it.

Like how a few swoops of black liner can either make you look demure or badass.

And how mascara made my lashes pop. How eye shadow was like crayons for your eyes. All the fabulous colors and all the fun you could create with them!

It was all child’s play but it cemented it in my mind, the magic of makeup.

Recently I was going thru some boxes and came across old pics of myself and they got me to thinking about how my look has changed over the years.

As i have gotten older, i have gone from what was my signature look:

moi at around 22 years old

dark brows, heavily lined eyes and a pop of red lip 
{well that hasn’t actually changed much :-)}

to what is now my signature look…
 most of the time it’s a more subtle look 
ruled mainly by gold liner, lighter brows and
changing lip color, usually a red or a shimmer

moi today @ 42 years old

and sometimes i like to go back to those childhood days
and play with eye shadow colors

although i still love the thrill of makeup,
 now i rarely spend more than 5 minutes doing my face for a day to day look.
but for special occasions, i like to go all out!

the one basic that never changes for me no matter what, is that i use one of the l’oreal voluminous mascaras.

i just love it. usually one coat gives me the definition and lengthening that i love.

has your makeup routine evolved as you have aged?

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