{life} resolvin…
i was just reading my last post on resolutions and it made me smile.
i am still in the place that i wrote of back then.
probably even more so.
and after the past few days i wanted to rant out about the new years resolution backlash that i am seeing and hearing because i find it so annoying.
some people go on and on about resolutions being empty and how people won’t stick to them…blah…blah…blah…
to those folks i say, what..evs…
keep your party poopin to yourself.
if it doesn’t work, so be it. as the old saying goes, nothing beats a failure but a try.
and what does it hurt to want to make positive changes even if you falter?
it’s kinda like the people on twitter who always have something negative to say about people who tweet positive quotes and sayings.
you are that jaded that you are bothered by other people who are not?
who want to share a good thought or two?
anyway, enough of my ranting…on to my resolutions…i have quite a few.
while cooking more (hence the breakfast), more gym time, a little weight release and other things are on the list, the biggest one is financial.
i have put myself on a major shopping budget.
and being the realist that i am, i am taking it one month at a time.
so to start, for the month of january i have allotted myself a $50 a week fashion/beauty shopping budget.
this will be a HUGE change.
but i am up for the challenge, because ultimately this gets me to to something even HUGER!
the shopping is sport and stretch my benjamins until franklin looks like he’s had botox part of me is so amped up for this.
i will track my progress here on le blog…
my self imposed rules: the budget is $200 for the month of january. ideally it will be spent partially every week in $50 spurts.
what about you? did you make any financial resolutions?
what do you think will make you a success at sticking to them?
are you prepared to bounce back from potential lapses?
what incentives have you set up for yourself?