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fab five: new york city bound…

so excited that i get to return to my second home, new york city after so many months away from it.

i will only be there a short time because of my business schedule here in chicago but i plan to max the time that i am there OUT!

would love to meet any of you who will live there or will be there while i am there, so drop me a line.

every time i am in new york city, there are things that i MUST do and i thought i would share a few

1. chill in my favorite small park.

i am secretly glad that NYFW has moved to lincoln center, so i can spend some time here the way that i like..

2. eat at my favorite vegetarian spot,…i can almost taste the food already! YUMM!

3. spend some time rummaging thru my favorite thrift stores

4. walk my old hood and take in all the smells and the sounds and the people… (hair braiding miss? those who have walked 125th street know what i mean by this.)

5. take in the fantastic madness that is fashion’s night out!

i am geeked at the sheer magnitude of it. i still don’t know what places i am going to try to hit….it’s just so much going on.

but one thing i know, is that i am going to have a blast and probably get very little sleep because, well…

that’s what new york city does to me!


photo’s by moi. others can be found on my photo blog

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