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Bill Cunningham New York in Chicago

there are some moments that in their sheer simplicity just make you smile. I had lots of those moments while viewing Bill Cunningham New York and i highly recommend that you see it.

the range of emotions that i felt while viewing it was surprising.

i felt happy (his view of living is so freeing is so many ways, you don’t take money from people and they don’t own you. he is the only person at the nytimes that owns his work, he still uses film only crank cameras)

and sad (you get the impression that he has never had a romantic relationship, which for him is probably not a sad thing, so it’s just my own angst that made me sad about that)

and thrilled (he arrives at a fashion show in paris and just stands there holding out his credentials while some unknowing staff pretty much ignores him and a guy walks up and reaches for bill to escort him in and says, “please, this is the most important person on the planet” and bill just smiles.)

and disgusted (carnegie hall evicted bill and several other artists who had lived there for decades so that they could use the space for offices,etc and it just felt so wrong)…

and humbled (he just loves his work, he doesn’t care about celebrities or being part of any scene, he just loves fashion and his work)…

i felt almost like a slacker when i took in all that he has done and does at his age, 80+.

if you don’t visit his regular features on the nytimes site, you must start.

his commentary about the pictures brings them and his motivation for shooting them to life.

before the screening, the evening started off with a cocktail reception hosted by nikia of ChiTown Fashionista and emma of Très Awesome at tula boutique.

here’s nikia and her hubby but i hate i didn’t get a picture of emma…fail on my part!

of course i ran into some of my fav people and snapped a couple of pics of the folks on the scene…

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