

i was thinking over the weekend how as a kid i totally loved Easter and all the fuss that my sisters and i made over having the perfect outfits and hairdo’s!

were you like that?

did you anxiously await the Easter? did you end up all pretty and pastel?


i spent this Easter weekend/my birthday rather low key.

on Friday I stayed in bed a little extra on what i had previously would be declared a social media free day and shockingly i actually went all day without tweeting or foursquare checking in!

and once again, when i don’t do so, i find myself wondering what the heck i did that day!


of course there was some good food and drink involved and even some blooms…

on saturday we went for a lovely lunch at that aptly named lovely cafe.
their bread pudding is always crazy delish and the veggie sandwich is chock full of goodness…
i definitely see myself spending way more time there…

we then somehow ended up at the harold washington library, which is such a wonderful spot…full of books of course but also fantastic art

easter sunday i came upon this cherry blossom tree in my hood that was so intoxicating!…mmmm, nature at her finest for sure….

we went to belly shack for lunch for the first time and it was damnlicious!  

i will definitely be going back… the quinoa and tofu were seasoned to perfection!

we then played it by ear and ended up at the lincoln park zoo, a place i hadn’t been in quite some time

and i fell totally in love with this big boy here! he is by far the most popular attraction at the zoo

and how often do you get to witness beauties like this in person!!!??? two of them obviously were not happy with one another as they fought the entire time we were there.

so while i didn’t get all dolled up like i did when i was a wee one, i still had a really fabulous, colorful weekend and i hope you had one also!

happy monday

p.s. some of these pictures were taken and enhanced with instagram, if you use it also, follow me there!

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