Joined the Friend Friday Family!

Recently my girl, The Fashionista Next Door posted about a new bloggers group where every Friday you answer different questions on your blog about a variety of topics.

I love meeting other bloggers and I thought it sounded like a fun idea, so I joined also.

The group, is called Friend Friday and it was started by Katy Rose of Modly Chic.

There is a huge variety of bloggers in the group, so I am looking forward to reading the different responses every week.

You can learn more and join Friend Friday here.

Here’s this weeks topic/my answers.

The discussion about the Chilean Miners has really sparked some great conversation and it is an interesting enough topic that I think we can all find something unique to say on our blogs. So, without further ado, here are this week’s questions.

Q1. As we watched the Chilean Miners being rescued last week, there were many things to take note of – the amazing faith of these people, the joy of life, love and family, and – interestingly enough – product
placement. As you watched the rescue efforts did you notice the products? What were your thoughts?

Curvatude: I didn’t really pay attention to anything other than the interaction between the miners and the people around them when they reached the top. I listen to tv more so than watch it, so I would just go and look when I heard that one was reaching the top.

Q2. Product placement is all around us today, what do you think makes it such a marketing gold mine?

Curvatude: Well they essentially have a captive audience that will consciously and/or subconsciously take note of the products, so that’s the perfect ingredient for success.

Also, I think appearing to be affiliated with something that people like or that they connect with, say their favorite show, breeds a level of interest.

And it definitely never hurts to be associated with something joyous such as the safe rescue of the miners.

Q3. On your blog, either now or in the future, what is/will be your stance on highlighting specific products?

Curvatude: I have a very clear policy of only highlighting products that I have personal experience with, i.e., I have used them, know the brand, etc.

I never say that I will review an item if someone sends it to me but even if I don’t end  up blogging about it, I still give them my feedback. I also never use anything once and write a review about it because there are times when I product is fabulous the first time you use it and then it goes blah…

I also review a lot of things that I purchase myself. I share them because I love them. I also tweet a lot of products because I am always out and about.

Q4. If the opportunity arose would you give a bad review of a product?

Curvatude: I have a series called Curvatude in the Stores where I review products straight no chaser. If I don’t care for or find something wrong with a product I say so. I am never harsh but always honest. I think it would be a disservice to my readers to do anything else. Especially since I blog a lot about plus size clothing and how they fit and their quality, etc, which is a really big issue for us because of so much inconsistency in the market, I have to spell it all out.

Q5. Do you view your blog as a product? Where have you or do you hope to place it?

Curvatude: Curvatude: I don’t view my blog as a product per se. I view it more as an outlet to connect. An extension of my social life almost. Its like my second home. So anything that I post on it has to feel right and be genuine.

But I am working on a lot of things, that are not necessarily about placing my blog but more about building the connections that I make via my blog and developing those into opportunities.

For example, I am a member of the Curvy Collective for the first ever Full Figured Fashion Week(end)™ in LA next week. This would have never been possible if I did not have my blog.

I am also working to eventually design my own clothes and I am working on getting more involved in two great loves of mine; events planning and PR.


Til next Friday!

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