Friend Friday: 10 Random Facts About Moi

The goal of this Friend Friday post is to “share 10 random facts that people might be surprised to know about you”.

I am currently in LA at Full Figured Fashion Week(end)™ LA (that’s why this is a day late…) but I am having a blast hanging out with my fellow Curvy Collective members and taking in all the fab events. I am resting up for the grand finale runway show tonight, so I am going to keep this short and sweet.

1. I worked as an investment accountant for 14 years. I did not plan to go into this field, it just kinda happened. I worked as a receptionist at a small accounting firm and everything bloomed from there. While I didn’t particularly enjoy corporate life, I met some incredible people who made it all worth it.

2. I collect old cameras. My favorites are old brownies and other types of box cameras.

3. I have had arthritis since I was around 16 years old. It’s funny how little people know about it, so many people assume that only old folks deal with it, when in fact about 1 out of 1,000 children are affected with some form of arthritis.

4. I take epic baths. I mean hours long. I love them. A lot of times I sleep in the bath tub. I have a whole set up with a DIY desktop, etc. Besides helping me with my arthritis, its just where I go to chill out and relax, read, brainstorm, you name it.

5. When I love a movie I can watch it hundreds of times. I have watched Goodwill HuntingSomething New, Pride & Prejudice, I Can Do Bad All By Myself, The Holiday and a couple of other movies hundreds of times. Why? I don’t know. There is just something about the characters and their different circumstances that appeal to me. And I am also a sucker for romance, so these all fit the bill in one way or another.

6. I play the clarinet and have done so since I was around 9 or so. I also can play the flute and I own an acoustic guitar that I have been saying I am going to learn to how to play for years now. I did recently meet someone who offered to teach me, so hopefully I will take her up on it and get my strum on.

7. I am a loner. People find this hard to believe because I am always out meeting people, going to events and I am very social in a sense. But I have also always been the type of person who really enjoys her own company. I remember when I was young and the house would be full of guests during holidays and they would always try to get me to come out of my room and I would for a while but only for a while. I just really liked being alone. Writing, reading, drawing, listening to music.

8. I love to travel but I prefer to do it alone. The loner in me meets the control freak in me when it comes to traveling and I like to go solo mainly because I don’t like to be on other peoples schedules. My cousins always talk about trips that we took to New Orleans and New York City and how I ditched them repeatedly. LOL…

Also, when I do go away with a group, I rarely stay where everyone else is staying. And I think that sometimes this puts folks off but I just have to be me and do things the way that I know that I will enjoy them.

9. When I was 9 years old I went to camp and there were some thefts and they searched everyone’s bags but mine. Why? Because I was so quiet and shy back then, that there was no way they could even imagine that I would do something like that. I remember to this day, some 30+ years later, hearing the camp counselor say “You don’t have to search J G’s bags” I always joke how I could have been racking up at that camp if I was actually stealing stuff.

10. I rarely ever participate in these types of lists because while they should be pretty easy, this thing took me at least an hour to come up with!


Til next Friday.

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