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Curvatude in the Stores: Forever 21

Here is the latest in the Curvatude in the Stores series where I spend a little time in the stores trying on various pieces and offering my thoughts.

Here are some of the pieces from my latest excursion to Forever 21 to check out their Faith 21 line.

They had some really cute pieces in store, very bright and colorful and fun styles.

But and this is a very big but, the quality problem with the Faith 21 line as a whole continues.

From a distance you don’t even notice all the loose threads on this dress but upon further inspection, they were everywhere.
I was going to try on a chambray dress but the strap was broken, I thought that I had taken a picture of it but I may have mistakenly deleted it off my camera.

Also, while I realize that I am not their target market, some of these dresses are just way too short for me.

I loved the print and style of this slip dress. It was also very well lined and the quality was actually pretty good but I am not into wearing dresses that make me feel like tugging at them all day to make sure that my goodies aren’t exposed.

Same thing for this dress although I really loved the funky stripes and the cinching belt.

This last piece, although it was missing a button, is the only one I actually ended up buying.

I really liked it on and knew it would be perfect for an upcoming outing AND it came with a spare button, so while that missing button gave me pause, I am happy that I purchased it and wore it without incident!

All in all, I think the line is way better than it was when they first dropped it, especially the variety of the offerings BUT they really need to address the quality issue and the length of their dresses.

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