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As it Comes to a Close..

I can’t help but reflect on how really great a year 2009 has been.

One of the things I did that really made it such for me, was to finally launch Curvatude.

It is near and dear to my heart because in essence I wanted a place basically where I could share and connect with other women (in particular plus size women).

When I started Curvatude, I really wasn’t sure if I wanted it to be so much about me. I thought that unlike my previous blog “Plus Size Diva”, that it shouldn’t be such a personal thing.

So I did things in the beginning like use “we” instead of “I”, when it was just me!


But the truth of the matter is, like most bloggers will tell you, it’s a very personal labor of love.

And the only way that I can really be true to it and actually connect, which was my original goal, is to be “I”!

So, I am “geekily” looking forward to 2010 and expanding Curvatude AND writing in my own voice.

Which mind you is, prepare yourselves, always encouraging but very sarcastic and really straight no chaser.

I also have so many things that I hope to bring to the blog.

Fun things, silly things, serious things and just things that are true to the original mission statement that “we” wrote back in January “to motivate and encourage you the whole way to be your best, to not give or accept less than the best from others and most of all to LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST!

I hope that you will join me for the ride.

In closing, I thought I would do something FOR YOU to celebrate this year and the holiday season, which I love so much.

So starting TODAY, I present to you–> the first ever 12 Days of Curvatude Christmas!

12 days of giveaways of some of the things that I think have Major Curvatude.

And because I don’t like following rules or doing things the typical way, this will be a lil different from a lot of the giveaways that you might see.

Sure, I want you to leave a comment to win but…and here’s the catch.

Like the best Christmas gifts, these goodies will be lovingly wrapped and you don’t get to know what they are until Santa drops them under your tree, in this case, when they are delivered to you!

Each of the 12 Days there will be a different subject for you to leave a comment about and the post will contain a small hint as to the category that the gift falls under (you know… my fav’s, fashion, makeup, beauty, etc)

A winner will be randomly chosen and posted the following day.

Sounds fun, right?

So, if you love getting surprises as much as I do, please join me for the 12 Days of Curvatude Christmas!

Giveaways are open to folks with U.S. mailing addresses only.

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