
Ignite Your Persona Competition

Queen Latifah and the folks @ Covergirl have a new competition going on and the winner gets to open for the Queen herself during her national tour.

To enter, create a one-minute video performance showcasing the Queen Latifah persona that fits you best along with a 250-words or less spiel on why you deserve to ignite your Persona and you may be on your way..

Sounds like fun and although i am not up to it, i am sure there are plenty of girls with Curvatude out there who could set this contest off with wicked entries!

More details here

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One Comment

  1. Hey lady's goodluck in the competition, hope to see you soon. This is so overwhelming for me and I know the same goes for you to, but if you want this as bad as I do you betta step you're "A" game up cause I know I will.

    Starr for B-More
    P.S. GoodLuck