Biggest Loser in 5

I have decided that this season I will write up my thoughts about the Biggest Loser episodes by answering five simple questions.

So here we go…

Best Moment: When Shay realized that there is no walking out. that as the heaviest person ever on the eight seasons of the show she needs to get the hell over the drama…and make the most of this once in a lifetime opportunity..

Worst Moment
: All that throwing up and crying & whining. I just can’t stand it. If I was on the show, yeah I would probably be crying but trust me, you would not hear a single whine come out of my mouth. Its insulting to all of the people who tried out and really wanted and needed to be there. SUCK IT UP!!

Most Shocking Moment: Without a doubt the first weigh in, especially when Shay weighed in at 479 pounds. It totally threw me for a loop. That is almost twice my weight.

Least Shocking Moment: When Sean had no idea that he had Type 2 Diabetes. Why? Because I can only imagine that there are so many of us walking around without a clue as to what is going on inside of our bodies. Walking around in denial. Very scary.

The Weigh In/Elimination:

Shay (-17) See what happens when you stop whining a bit and get to work

Daniel (-12) I love Daniel. So glad that he came back.

Amanda (-6) Obviously its sucks when folks are pulling down double digits and you lose only 6 but she is smaller than most of the players

Rebecca (-18) Totally came though for her team.

Rudy – (-28) Nice!

Dina (-8) Lucky for her she is with Rudy and he has a lot to lose so his numbers should be pretty high, especially in the beginning

Antone (-18) Good number

Sean (-22) Nice. I expect him to pull large numbers as long as he is there.

Danny (-24) Great number

Liz – (-10) Older gal representing

Allen (-19) Great speech realizing that he needs to be there for him

Abby (-15) Sad that she has lost so much in her life that death does not scare her but she is so inspiring

Alexandra (13) How quickly we turn on our partner and judge. I am sure he did all that he could just as she did and he is already kicking himself, he didn’t need your foot in it too..

Julio (-13) Sucks for him, especially that his partner called him out like she did on the friggin scale

Mo (-19) Yeah coach! I like him already.

Up for elimination: Alexandra and Julio.

They chose Alexandra and Honestly I would have done the same. I just sensed that she would have been an issue and I detest that calling her partner out on the scale moment.

Fine if she was thinking it but that was not the right thing to do on the scale.

She looked great on the update from home having lost 60 pounds and I hope that she can come back as a contender for the at home winner

Next weeks clincher: Will they reach the 150 pounds total and keep everyone on the ranch or not?

Til next week.

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  1. This is my first time watchin Biggest Loser for some reason I've always avoided it…. anyway, I completely agree with Shay's coming back inside the gym as the best moment. I know we're only down one episode but I'm really rooting for her.

  2. Interesting that you said you have always avoided watching it.

    Its one of the only shows i will watch.

    re Shay, I am rooting for her also. I just really hope that she will really work hard because she could definitely be a contender to win this thing since she has so much weight to lose.