
More to Love ..or Hate?

There has been quite a bit of debate going on regarding More to Love.

One school of thought is that it is demeaning to Plus Size Women while other people just think its reality tv doing what they do.

Initially I was a bit torn because I really don’t watch much reality tv because I feel that in some ways it is all so ridiculous and honestly i think its kinda yucky to be on a show making out with someone that you know will be doing the same with countless other women.

That’s just me.

On the flip side I think its great that plus size women are getting some time on the airwaves that doesn’t involve Jerry Springer or Maury Povich.

But after watching Episode 1, I wondered why they chose Luke.

He just isn’t the type that I would have expected to be “the man” on a dating type show.

He’s cute and all, like a teddy bear but kinda nerdy to me but I guess its his resume more than anything that makes him a “catch”.

Also, I was a bit put off by some of the ladies and the almost desperation when crying about finding a man

And the looks and expressions of “fear” about being amongst the chosen 15 almost made me laugh.

I just don’t get it..and I am not trying to be insensitive but..i just don’t get it.

I mean you just met the guy, so it all seems so premature.

Perhaps what is really needed is some time building themselves and their lives up so that a man would be a nice perk not a hard to find necessity.

People can feel that lack of self confidence.

Its an energy.

But once again I guess that’s a part of being on a reality show. The more drama the better..

And i hate it when women feel like the only way that they can show their worth is to bring other women down and that was definitely the feeling that I got from some of the women.

i.e. “guys.. love skinny bitches” Kristen

On the flip side, I love that some of the women were all about their confidence.

So, I will leave it at that for now..

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