If we were to see your fatness..

I am generally unmoved by these types of things and frankly it bores me but today I guess I was in a generous mood so I decided to respond..

Glamour.com just posted a blog titled: First Racism, Now Fatism? about this writer in England who basically feels that fat people are bleeding her country dry.

I personally didn’t feel hyped up by the article

i think its a mixed bag of fact, assumptions & personal ranting on platell’s part

she tries to give off that she is concerned for overweight children, etc but her real issue is she’s pissed that fat folks and their health issues in her words make her and her country have to “foot the bill” for their gluttony

as i write this, there are over 200 comments on the article.

sadly, some of the people are almost trying to defend themselves with comments like “all overweight people don’t sit on the couch all day” as if they need to defend themselves

i just really wish that people would stop taking what other people think into their consciousness.

on a day to day basis there is just too much real ish to deal with to on top of it care about other peoples problems and that’s the crust of the matter…platell has a problem

she could have written and article about her country’s health system from numerous angles that are potentially bleeding the country dry but would they have gotten people in such an uproar?

most likely not..


simply because humans think its ok to attack other humans who in their estimation should be better, should know better, should do better..

and fat folks are high on the list for blanket judgment

after all people say it all the time, “they should stop eating so much and exercise”

sounds simple enough right?

but like most simple things, its not so simple.

every person is different.

every overweight person is overweight for their own reason and some people are overweight and not “unhealthy” and do not require more medical attention than your “average size” person contrary to what the haters are always putting out there.

i could go on and on with this but i won’t..

here is the comment i left on glamour.com (i am PlusSizeDiva on their site)

fatism is nothing new.

i love people who think they can place judgment. who think that they can look at a person on the outside and explain their whole existence.

there are all sorts of reasons why people are overweight and we have heard them all but i don’t even think that’s the point here.

the point here is the real disgusting thing that people on high horses think its ok to attack others because they aren’t what they think they should be.

who made that chick and those of you with your snide rude comments the judge and juror.

what gives you the right to speak ill of others?

i am sure if we could see your “fatness” in whatever form it comes in, ie, the foul things you have done and continue to do, then perhaps people would think twice about their holier than thou need to spew unnecessary hate

i just happen to be one of those girls who is proudly plus size and could care less what other people think and actually feel kinda sad for women who always need to bring others down to obviously fill some kind of void within themselves.

i mean because a really truly happy person has absolutely no need to disparage others.

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